Friday, May 25, 2007

I wish I could blog...

How many of you have tried to blog a number of times and failed? Sit at the computer reading other blogs and wondering if you will ever come up with a theme or purpose to your own blog?

That's me. i don't even have a description for my blog. I can't decide exactly what to write on. I am cloder now then I was, but I still am unsure. I have a thought though: Horatio Cane's sunglasses on CSI:Miami. They are incredibly symbolic of a number of structures in the show. Then there is the way that lighting is used in various movies. The halo effect for example, is used in a number of interesting ways in Spiderman 3...

It all sounds literary doesn't it? It might help to know that i am an English Major finishing an undergrad degree, desiring to pursue a Masters. I may decide to go to media studies....

Regardless, I have posted something! And for now that will have to do!